"And the day came when the risk it took to blossom was greater than the risk it took to remain tight as a bud"

Anais Nin

@jessicabegin artwork

One to one Sessions


"I sit with people on the deepest levels of consciousness and explore the nature of what is arising within their unique experience.  I facilitate/catalyse the integration of union that is highlighted, within all areas of their being. As I am sitting and watching what appears, I become inherent to the feeling, seeing, listening to what is happening within the body.


Usually on the most subtle layers there is identity that is keeping infinity and union apart in certain areas, the sense of "I" once seen and honored in a full embrace of its nature, as it is, will naturally fall away or merge into the union that will be propagating as we sit. The integration will feel like a unique state of consciousness, that is appearing within you in natural expression. Sometimes the contemplation during the session is directed into specific areas that need addressing or are up for transformation, thus shedding new light on the nature of consciousness, perception and identity.


I work with individuals with severe illness and major trauma, alongside advanced practitioners in their own meditation practice. I share the approach as I go, in stages depending on the person's ability, so that eventually the session appears and feels like a dual meditation, where I am directly holding them, whilst simultaneously co-journeying with them and being held myself. I have discovered healing appears as grace, as and when required and there is always a natural progression to the session, that reveals itself like a blossoming from within. Ultimately realising oneself as infinity, underlies all that naturally appears."



What Could You Experience During A Sesssion 




Individual residential experiences and intensive retreats with Fleur are available on request. 


In sessions we:


  • ground into stillness as a gateway to realising ourselves as the source of all that is occurring

  • explore our sense of self, the experience of "I" or "Me" in relationship to the body and specific inquiry at hand

  • cultivate a ground of stillness for our contemplations

  • heal conflicting relationships

  • heal limiting and subconscious belief systems

  • heal dysfunctional and traumatic experiences from the past

  • develop your skills in self mastery

  • develop a philosophy of self responsibility

  • reclaim your true power

  • transform who you feel you are through direct experience of wholeness and love,access direct experience of our true nature in a process of becoming aware of Essence as a pervasive foundation to all experience

  • Heal to prepare the ground of being and cultivate the capacity to embody that which we are, so that it fills forward into all layers of being, embedding that in an all encompassing way and become an expression of your divine purpose in the world.


This is not a talk therapy. There will be some talking, but mostly I will be working with the energetic experience in a meditative way, as it is felt by you and me in the body, staying connected to the whole experience of body, heart and mind. If I am teaching you I will be guiding you into your experience of healing yourself and supporting your awareness with presence, openness and intuitive information, if I am running an issue based healing session or dual contemplation with you I will be healing the issue for you directly and supporting the development of essence.


I practice from a high quality of emotional intelligence, intuition and high sense perception skills, expanding awareness into all conscious and unconscious material that will support integration of core essence and healing that inspires fundamental change.


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Read about other people experiences of meditative journey work with Fleur Inanna





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