art work @Jessica Begin
A simple practice of differentiating for a mother with her baby opens doorways to deeper union, healing and a greater field of creativity and bonding.
By shifting our awareness via the somatic experience (sensations/mood/thoughts/energetic experience/movement/sound/light) we can build the already naturally occurring state of union between a mother and her baby allowing new dimensions to the union to bubble up and inform the already rich field of creativity occurring.
When a woman is pregnant it seems her access to the absolute naturally increases, which makes sense since the creative process of arisal from origin/absolute is occurring within her; her baby is acting like a portal from within, so to speak.
Her access to the visceral awareness of the earlier developmental stages of consciousness is heightened making pregnancy an optimal time to explore uniqueness in herself and in her baby.
The gift of differentiating is it gives you the necessary contrast to feel what is your experience and what is your babies; which can be very useful in a moment of concern for the well being of your baby.
Differentiating helps you to tune into if its you having the experience or if the baby is distressed and action needs to be taken and or allows you to heal anything happening in you, through being fully conscious and embracing of the fact it is your experience, not your babies.
Why would we want to explore uniqueness?
Uniqueness is essential in nature, a substance that is more an onto-logical presence that informs and blossoms various and ever changing states of consciousness and union. It is the original seed, the essence of creativity according to your deepest nature.
Doing this practice really excites me as I can tell how much it is informing the developing baby, it really does feel like an in utero~meta physical consciousness class, demonstrating in a natural way to consciousness how to recognise its own uniqueness.
Most trauma occurs in our psyche as children because we loose/forget our fundamental and essential experience of our-self in the face of something occurring in our environment, resulting in a taking on of projections and conditions as oneself as the expense of our true nature. You can see when the light literally fades from someone's eyes, this is what is occurring.
A lot of trauma healing is going back to these first moments in time when the first forgetting occurred, to re-claim and recover what you are fundamentally. This is especially relevant and powerful when doing healing work on embodying the basic trinity, "mother, father, child".
Realisation of essence through visiting trauma moments has been a large aspect of my training with Thessa Sophia. Also watching Thessa zoom in on Sia, her baby, and her uniqueness, was deeply informative to me of this amazing paradigm for parenting so deeply moved by the realisation of essence.
So you can see why it is so powerful for a mother to consciously explore and become aware somatic-ally of the essential nature of herself and her baby, and show them how to do the same as she does it in herself and for herself. The stronger our realisation of essence is, the less possible it becomes to loose oneself to what you are not.
A session example: one client started with an experience of herself as stillness and an experience of "I" in the heart that felt like an emotional state of being, that felt like her and her baby as the absolute in a circle form in front of her body ~ through moving between the two experiences they started to come together in space, as this occurred a state of being emerged and slowing more qualities appeared ~ of movement, light, and a general dynamism. In the end her experience her own uniqueness was a golden spherical field, that was toroidal ~ and her baby was unified within that field moving with her in a unique way, as a less describable simple presence active within the same toroidal field. There was an obvious building between the two and cohesion.
She also was experiencing the physicality of source/womb space (see Thessa Sophia for her work/writing on womb space for more info here), the state was a general darkness encompassing her babies field; she felt powerful like a tiger, protective, strong and this revealed her creative autonomy over the unfolding pregnancy.
Currently Part of the basic doula offering on request
Indiviudal Session Cost £50 or Two for £80
This offering is not limited to the mothers, the father or anyone with the mothers permission
(I need written consent from the mother) , can also explore in this way.