Heart Becoming

mastering the foundations


12 week (4 month) course


Starting Mid January 2025-May 2025


Faciliated by

Fleur Inanna & Thessa Sophia


The main intention of this course/journey is to walk you through the basic foundations of our (Thessa Sophia and my) inner way of awakening and healing in a deeply held and integrative way. We will be Inviting you into a new and deeply empowering relationship with your inner process and your self, alongside handing you some essential & initiatory keys along the path of becoming.

Heart Becoming is the first in a series of offerings that build slowly into the deeper material and initiations that material facilitates. Covering the ground thoroughly makes it much easier to navigate the deeper initiations as they naturally emerge along the spiral in a non-lineal way.



Our group waves are currently:

"Heart Becoming; Mastering the foundations" - Wave 1

"The Art of Inner Union; preparing the ground for womb work" - Wave 2

"Womb Work & Culminating The Mysterious Pass" - Entering into the deeper Initiation Phase

"The Immaculate Conception of the Self" - 9 Month Programme

Each phase is a cultivation and deepening into its own right. 




Cultivating strong, deeply held group fields is essential to the journey together, alongside offering systematic ways to approach healing and self inquiry, and incubating containers to support your natural unfolding, the fulfilment of the initiations at hand along your spiralling path of devotion

It is amazing how simple and organic the basic recipe is and how essential taking ones time is to really have an understanding of how to apply it in healing, self inquiry, and transformational work.

This first 3 month course is essential if you want to be joining us over time in our future groups, unless you have worked extensively with Thessa and I and feel you have comfortably grounded and have covered the foundations.

I have worked with Thessa for 12 years now and still find it deeply empowering and nourishing to my process to re-visit the basics, and approach my inner unfolding within the simplicity of starting again.

This material in and of itself going to be an initiatory journey, fundamentally changing adnd inviting you into a new and deeply empowering relationship with your inner process and your self; on what I have found to be a pathless path full of richness, freedom, mystery and beauty.

For many who feel the resonance we are simply enhancing what is already organic to you by offering you some structure and deeply held environments in which you can deepen your field of play.

What ever inspires you to join, we warmly welcome you and look forward to deepening with you over time in this spiralling way of devotion. 


I will be facilitating this course and Thessa will be supporting me intimately, creatively weaving in during the course so you can bridge to her and experience her flavour of guidance; where she will lead a session and/or offering up writing, talks or videos, connected to our work together.

I am excited about this journey with some of you, I truly love creating these deeply held group environments for sharing this way with others; I find the group field quickly becomes a powerful, intimate and honouring environment that offers people with what they truly need and or what is being called for.




 Practical Course Details


Please visit our core course website by following this link for full and updated details on this group container




12 Week Course


  • We will meet one every week (on zoom), times/dates chosen as a group:

*          *4xMonth - 2.5hour live guided meditations (recorded and shared for practice) with one on one                  feedback and interaction.


  • You will receive recorded meditations a month and practice suggestions, videos, and creative/inspirational writing to enliven your understanding and experience of our weekly topics. 


  • Private (group members only) and deeply held group space within Primordial home for creative sharing, feedback and questions.


  • Up to 10 places available


  • Location: Zoom and Primordial Home "Heart Becoming; Private Group"



Course Content


What to exspect....


We will be:


**Grounding the foundations


**Cultivating deeper realizations of the absolute, silence and source remembering; as a foundation for all our work together. Learning how to resource the absolute/stillness for healing, transformation and self inquiry.


**Covering a deep overview of the basic principles of our work; the foundational elements of stillness, acceptance and allowance/surrender and journeying with the somatic experience. 


**Learning how to work with an issue; our basic approach to healing, transformation through developing states of inner union, resourcing silence and the absolute. Learning the many ways we can explore an issue, break it down and integrate from different angles and depths. 


**Re-affirming Self referral; grounding our commitment to self responsibility/empowerment whilst developing self awareness of your direct experience and specifically what is occurring for you in your inner space; with a deep inclusion of the body through the somatic experience.


**Learning Reflection technique; sharing with you our family jewel, Thessa's very simple approach to shamanic re capitulation that allows you to explore the nature of your experience in relationship to anyone or thing and heal/dissolve any separation within yourself and subject of your inquiry. This approach is essential to our more advanced work as we apply it constantly as we deepen in our explorations over time.


**Cultivating Inner Union, exploring Essence; Exploring, developing and integrating higher states of consciousness for healing and exploring the nature of essence/uniqueness and states of bliss.


**A deep & integrative introduction to Identity Work; Exploring who is having the experience, or witnessing what is occurring, towards deeper union of that sense of I or me with its source; as a pathway towards transformation/surrender of the self and cultivation of greater levels of unification. (This subject will be covered in greater depth in the intermediate group, as we explore the nature of identity in the different energy centres and at different levels of being).




How to Book Your Place


Message me in our group space Primordial Home or via email core.expression@yahoo.co.uk to book your place - Reference the email; heart becoming.

Pay deposit paypal

Address: core.expression@yahoo.co.uk


If you would like an invitation to our free group space Primordial Home, email me for an invite request




Any questions feel free to ask


I am also free to meet you for a 20 minute one on one meeting on skype or zoom

to feel into if this course is right for you or answer any questions you have.


with love

Fleur and Thessa






Some words from Previous Heart Becoming Group Participants:




Just feeling to spontaneously thank Fleur Inanna and Thessa Sophia tonight for the deep, expansive journey I've been on with them over the past months and years.

I'm currently journeying with 9 other women on the Art of Inner Union course, which followed on from Heart Becoming.

Prior to that I participated in a number of other courses, whose names I can't remember now !!
This work offers a deep and profound container for the evolution of consciousness and cultivation of inner union through embodied meditation practices, that are simple, yet potent in their capacity to facilitate wholeness and newness.

What I most love about this space is the absolute acceptance and allowance of ALL facets of my being, from the most sublime to the most earthy, the darkest to the lightest. Which is in and of itself a catalyst for healing and integration.

And can only happen, at least in my view, when those who are holding the space have been and are willing to meet those same aspects within themselves from a place of deepest stillness.
Added to that, it is here that I get to satiate my need for spiritual evolution and constant deepening through the body. I have not found a place anywhere else, where this could so adequately be met or presenced.

I experience this as tantra at its most subtle.

It's clear to me, that as a result of this ongoing deepening and unification, my capacity to meet and integrate whatever arises, as well as to enquire into challenge and pain has greatly expanded. As has the potency of my own work and facilitation.

This is an approach of radical self-responsibility and inclusion, meaning that as I work with people or issues on the inner plane, the external reality changes. It is all connected and there is nobody to blame. 
For me, this is one of the only ways of creating the future we all dream of that makes sense.
I feel so grateful to have this opportunity and to be continually expanding in every sphere of being with such compassionate guides. Thank you ???

ps. Fleur & Thessa are starting a new round of Heart Becoming in the New Year. I highly recommend it"  .


Shakti Sundari, UK




"Fleur and Thessa's quality of being and capacity to hold space is remarkable. Working with them has not only taught me about accepting and allowing all of me to be here uncensored, it has shown me how to let go of a fixed identity and surrender to the ever changing, fluid nature moment to  moment. I know of no other modality that addresses both healing and awakening in such a simple and grounded way."


Dima Bosko, USA




I found participating in the Heart Becoming group with Fleur very grounding.  Through applying Thessa and Fleur’s approach/recipe in the group sessions and on my own it felt metaphorically that I am building a solid yet flexible foundation for my home.  I have become very at home in my body; it is more and more available as a resource when I experience anxiety or fear.  I have found that when triggered and desiring the support of another that significantly fewer words are necessary. 


Being with the sensations in my body are so much more valuable.  This ‘work’ is very quieting for my mind, increasingly instead of circling in my mind when triggered I drop into my body and ground into silence.  The result is my relationship with myself and others in richer and continually evolving.


Karen Diosy,  New York, USA
















"The imaginal swirls with symbols, myths and forms of the unconscious mind of the individual, collective and universe as one - echoing the bridge between eternity and form. 


The place where the dream can become known to itself, can be heard and deeply honored and lived.


The lucid dream is essential, formless, intangible and unknowable, yet deeply felt and lived...touching the heart of the dream within the dream, with the love of consciousness. 

This love is the total freedom to be feminine, unconditioned or restrained by rational and lineal thinking. This love is the interconnectivity between and within all of life and oneness with God."
 The Art of the Essential
by Fleur Inanna
"Soft. Seen. Held. Undulating. Supported. Relaxed. Flowing. Essence.
This is what it feels like to work with Fleur. Living breathing creativity is delivered in her art work and confirmation of what is experienced within.''
Shanti Zimmerman
Gecko Medicine
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© Fleur Chetwynd