An opportunity to recieve a transmission through primordial speak. You will recieve a set of keys spoken to you through language unknown to your mind but receptive to your being. The words will initiate a direct experience and enliven something essential to you which may possibly appear in the form on an essential archetype. Since this is a short transmission and I will not be working with you on the layers of identity around what it is that is calling to integrate and enliven in your being through your personality, it is important you come open and receptive with time to remain meditative after the session by yourself. The taster you receive will be fuel for the greater becoming. I invite you to come with questions and inquiries but do not be dis-appointed if something else is highlighted deeper than the question at hand. I will offer meditative suggestions and discuss with you ways to deepen insight on any matter that is important to you, and how to deepen and expand your conscioiusness here. If there is a pressing message for you, I will help you understand this message on practical inquiry level.
Length of time ~ 30-60 minutes
Cost ~ £30 ~ 30 minutes
1 hour maximum time unless you request longer prior to the call