It is a blessing to share the medicine of some of these essential paintings in print form. Each painting comes with creative writing describing the nature of the medicine and how it may serve you by being in ones home.
These are sacred medicine pieces, created lovingly in deep meditation space in communion with myself, others and the essential qualities of shakti being called forward to be honored. Although originally painted for one person, the intention is a celebration and honoring of that medicine in and for all of creation; recognising that which is inherent within all.
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Cosmic Whale ~ Primordial Home Version
The Cosmic Whale
Initiations Within the Womb
This painting was a deep pre-conceptual imaginal melting of mind into womb, beyond into now and cosmic into form.
It was beauty, play and depth from start to finish, swirling with the primordial medicine of a Pisces new moon, that encompasses the Leela (play) of now in its cosmic expression.
Pisces is the final constellation in the zodiac, it is the home of the 12th house, encompassing the deepest unconscious mind, psychic intuition and liberation (moksha) through loss. In its exaltation Pisces offers the medicine of escapism that facilitates the undoing of control and rigidity born of attachments.
Deep waters are ruling these deep times, and for the devotee and mystic, the now truly beckons the question; are you willing to loose everything, are you ready for some serious play?
There is a deep invitation here through surrender to develop the capacity to breath underwater (presensory breath) and surrender to fundamental change(physicality of death). Those aligned with the cosmos will be awake to the profound depth of what is occurring.
This painting carries the primordial tones of Whale medicine; deep watery creatures who are revered among indigenous cultures to be keepers of ancient secrets and history.
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
Canvass Wall Prints
20x30cm Wooden Framed Prints
Canvass Wall Banner
All Including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Special offer
The Cosmic Whale Art Collection
Including The Cosmic Whale, Whales Eye & The Whales Descent
when bought as collection
£50 plus postage
Scroll down to see the other two prints
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Cosmic Whale Original
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
Chanageable boarder colouring on request
including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Canvass Wall Hanging Prints
Including Postage and Packaging
Signed for delivery
Small 20x40cm
Wooden Frame
Larger Canvass Banner
Wall hanging
You own Unique Swan medicine painting
Available on Request
Goddess of Infinite Space
All the parts of the world, like the limbs of a living being, are dependent upon the one love, and are bound to one another by natural affinity.
Marsilio Ficino
Bhuvaneshwari is one of the 10 Maha Vidhyas, wisdom goddesses and 10 aspects of Adi Shakti in the Hindu Tradition; expressing the non-dual and unified realisation of the primal shiva and shakti.
She is the space between things and the eternal presence of the mother. There is no where you can go that does not offer Bhuvaneshwari’s loving presence.
Buhvaneshwari whose body is the world; is all things in creation and yet paradoxically she all things transcendent. She is both mother Earth and mother Sky; she is all of
it, the source of what ever arises on Earth and completely non-dual by nature.
She is the seed of creation ~ and her body the seed syllable sound of “Hreem” which is embedded in all other mantras, as there is no creation without her; she is the heart and soul of preservation.
"Imagine the biggest space you can - space pusling with creative fullness and possibility. Try to feel and sense your way into its clarity, its luminosity. Use your inner senses; sight, hearing, but especially your sense of touch. Notice that is pulses subtly. Notice that, within it, little squiblets of thought or ripples of image arise. As you feel your way into this space, recognise that it is hyper conscious.
It is aware. It is knowing"
Awakening Shakti by Sally Kempton, p.302
A powerful medicine for anyone wanting to cultivate spacious and freedom from restrictions and develop the majesty and grace of a life full of love. She is also powerful for those who work with others in a guiding role, online and especially with groups, and are seeking to develop the self aware intelligent field of grace, that when deeply relaxed into provides everyone effortlessly with exactly what is needed, with a cetain kind of majesty.
During the creation of this painting I sounded her mantras in continual and embodied prayer of that which is she within me, and all creation.
Om Hrim Shrim Klim Bhuvaneshwarayai Namaha
"I offer salutations to the auspicious Lady of the Worlds, manifestor of worlds"
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
Chanageable boarder colouring on request
£40 including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Small and Large
Canvass Wall Hanging Prints
Available on Request
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Durga Maa ~ Supreme Shakti
"The Devi laughed thunderously and definatly, again and again.
She filled the entire sky with her terrible roar, and the from the immeasurable din a great echo resounded. All the worlds shook, the oceans churned."
Devi Mahatmya
She who is "Hard to conquer", the Cosmic Protector and Empowering Mother
Durga is a protectress and warrior, she is powerfully compassionate, innately nurturing yet deeply fierce, she is the primal empowering mother and intimate to that which instinctually moves us towards victory over darkness.
Her majesty comes with a deep relaxation and lovingness, as she is the sovereign inner union with the power of your supreme nature; she who can reduce illusion and evil to its knees calling true nature and being into expression. All her weapons were gifts from the gods, and she rides into battle protected by the divine masculine to slay the demons they cannot.
Durga is the place where vulnerability and invincibility become one, becoming the deepest softening yet greatest strengthening of our feminine power as we empty the belly of identification, toward the deeper union of spirit & our sacred body, as pure animal consciousness, she is where the Lioness and Lamb become one, expressing fluidly & instinctually.
This great Goddess is hidden, in order to act in the world she need us to ask for her help and deeper still contemplate the qualities of her essential qualities from within us, as inseperable to our deepest nature.
Durga is the force of inner revolution, a transformational key and the power behind radical awakening. Durga inspires the determination, strength and power needed to overcome our most deap seated fears and addictions, manifesting within ourselves and within the collective.
Never could her protective and enlightening medicine be more needed now.
As a protective talisman for the home, she can offer powerful psychic and spiritual protection in these chaotic and unsettled times.
During the creation of this painting I sounded one of her mantras in continual and embodied prayer of that which is she within me, and all creation.
Om Dum Durgayai Namaha
"I bow to Durga"
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
Chanageable boarder colouring or no boarder on request
£40 including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Small & Large
Canvass Wall Hanging Prints
Available on Request
The background colouring of the print comes out a little more darker and smoother than the scan indicates
below is also an framed copy giving a more precise idea of the colouring
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Beloved Pan
The primal masculine of the forest, guardian of nature and keeper of that which is most wild and untamable within us all. How needed your medicine is now….
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
Chanageable boarder colouring on request
£40 including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Small and Large
Canvass Wall Hanging Prints
Available on Request
Click here to read more about
Gecko Medicine
Painting this was a deeply complex and mythical experience ~ taking me right to the seed of ancestral communion.
Two words stand out that capture the soul of this drawing ~ power & protection. The power that is sustained by those who walked before you and whose shoulders you stand. And Protection, that is gifted when needed, through their/our inseparable and continual preservation of original union and its unique expression.
Gecko is a sacred totem to the aboriginals, whose ancestral tone mapped this design onto the page way before I had any notion that I was painting a Gecko. Gecko is a protective totem against disease & is deeply revered for his regenerative healing capacities. I can appreciate why the aboriginals appeared so strongly, more due to my own mysterious and continual communion with them on the deepest levels, but the language is deeply universal.
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
£40 including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Small and Large
Canvass Wall Hanging Prints
Available on Request
Click here to read more about
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
Chanageable boarder colouring on request
£40 including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Canvass Wall Hanging Prints
Available on Request
I was not alone in painting this picture, I felt surrounded by star families all pointing to the divine plan and unfolding that captures the heart of true selfless service to humanity, as something that is inseparable from the embodiment of the revelation we are in but not of this world.
The quest lets say is to ground that in the every day, allowing the truly compassionate human to be also utterly free to fly as the eternal & timeless, allowing us to sustain natural joyfulness..even in the face of suffering.
The hummingbird captures this sweet simple medicine that reveals levels of joy, magic and beauty written also in the stars. The hummingbird is a symbol for awakening & the celebration such freedom inspires.
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
Chanageable boarder colouring on request
£40 including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Canvass Wall Hanging Prints
Available on Request
Kissing Hummingbirds
Thick Card Print
Slightly Smaller in size
Blue Boarder Optional
£40 including signed for delivery
Postage and Packaging
Canvass Wall Hanging Prints
Available on Request
Primordial Union
Purifying the Throat
This painting struck like thunder!
I am reminded of something Thessa Sophia once said to me "there is an opportunity to fulfil your dharma in every moment"
This painting is dharma on fire.
This painting is medicine for the moment.
This painting burns with much needed activism, reminding us the true revolution is within us and we are infact the revolution.
Whilst painting this the words that came...
"let us paint the bullshit out of this world & unleash through the Art of Activism"
This painting is a call for greater integrity, precision and deeper grounding into the absolute and through the true art of womb work.
This painting is highlighting the call to purify speech through the light of awareness, and master these basic forces of nature, that encompasses all, within ourselves.
This painting wants to really be hung where it can be seen, visible so others can see it and take in the call to rise, united as one.
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
Chanageable boarder colouring on request
£40 including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Canvass Wall Hanging Prints
Available on Request
And all things destined to be together
For I am the claiming, claimed and claimer
Dancing eternally as one.
Wolf medicine, so dear to my heart and that of my soul family.
I am so moved by this painting, as it truly captures the essential nature and the depth of this medicine in my soul.
Wolf is the perfect medicine for those who feel their bond for life with others, who are devoted to soul family, alongside protecting the keys to sacred mysteries with their innate wisdom and
intuitive knowledge.
Of course, If you would like me to paint your unique wolf medicine or Essential Medicine Painting, It would be my honor and blessing.
The runes on the painting speak of peace, strength, honor, protection, healing, mystery and love.
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
Chanageable boarder colouring on request
£40 including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Canvass Wall Hanging Prints
Available on Request
Spider Medicine ~ Cosmic Collection Version
The Matrix of Creation
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
Chanageable boarder colouring on request
£40 including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Canvass Prints
20x30cm Wooden framed Canvass prints
30x50 Canvass Banner
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
Chanageable boarder colouring on request
£40 including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Canvass Wall Hanging Prints
Available on Request
More Writing coming Soon
Preserving and honoring
The Blissfulness and Sacredness of the processes of creation
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
£40 including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Canvass Wall Hanging Prints
Available on Request
The Cosmic Descent
Medicine for those who truly seek out the deepest layers of mystery, whilst honoring dreams space as the sacred space of communion within yourself.
These paintings were created after a series of dreams with Whales who were communicating their transition from water to land and how this movement of their spirit is indiciative of the profound earth changes and transformational times we are living in.
The Whale is the ancient history keeper of Earth memory, they are the guardians of the Akashic records and they inform us when we become awake in the deepest of sleep. They represent the delta state of meditation, of deepest rest in which we become an open dark vessel perfectly receptive for new revelations to flow through.
Great medicine for anyone cultivating meditative space and wishing to journey with stability into the deepest of waters.
These pieces look wonderful together.
Whales Eye & Rainbow Eye 30cmx30com
Wales Descent 30x40cm
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
£40 including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Canvass Wall Hanging Prints
Available on Request
The Cosmic Whale Art Collection
Including The Cosmic Whale, Whales Eye & The Whales Descent
when bought as collection
£50 plus postage
If you would like to buy both together
£50 including signed for delivery
Postage and Packaging
Peace & Prosperity Turtle
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
Coloured Boarder Optional
£40 including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Canvass Wall Hanging Prints
Available on Request
Watery Mysteries
Honoring that which is most intimate, deep and precious about you at a soul level
Thick Card Print (300gsm)
Coloured Boarder Optional
£40 including signed for delivery,
Postage and Packaging
Canvass Wall Hanging Prints
Available on Request