"Home is an inner quality of deep relaxation and acceptance
that naturally blossoms within the nakedness and transparency of existence
as the capacity to fully receive oneself as inseperable essential nature"
Course Description
This intensive online experience is a transmission of my approach to awakening and embodiment; the material will appear in unique way according to what is being called for by each one of you and the creative field of our group.
Whereas in many traditions the focus of awakening can end at realising yourself as true nature (emptiness/absolute/infinity), I will support you to open to deeper levels of yourself, and show you how to integrate the highest aspects of yourself within all areas of life. This path naturally cultivates a deeper penetration of insight and embodiment of our truest nature; becoming the capacity to consciously dream reality.
We will be exploring intimately the nature of our inner experience on the deepest levels of consciousness.
We will deep dive in a held and safe way into the unconscious mind through the somatic experience, towards the embodiment and alchemy of what is occurring from a foundation of stillness. I will be guiding and holding you in dynamic meditation journeys via the body, facilitating insight and the natural movement to the next level in your experience.
The approach I will be sharing is beautifully simple, we start by cultivating a strong foundation of stillness, self awareness and capacity for self referral. Self referral naturally develops inner resourcefulness and our capacity to nurture and refine our inner garden, our reality, our relationships and openness to being deeply changed. The path of self referral naturally evolves into the more advanced exploration of identity and mastery over transformation.
We will cultivate our capacity for deep listening within the body, becoming inherent to the feeling, seeing, listening to what is happening within our bodies. Stillness and acceptance and inclusion of all the parts naturally alchemizes what is occurring, catalysing unification, revealing what is deeper and true within what we are experiencing.
This intensive journey will be an opportunity to bring to light what is feeling separate in you and your lives, something that is wanting to be seen and honored in a full embrace of its nature, as it is. Healing appears in grace and there is often a natural progression & flow to the changing relationship with what is occurring that is being informed by infinity; whatever is experiencing itself as separate will eventually reveal its true nature like a blossoming from within.
This approach acts as a catalyst to the natural journey of coming home to our eternal nature; home appearing as an inner quality of deep relaxation and acceptance that naturally blossoms within the transparency of existence as the capacity to fully receive oneself as inseparable essential nature.
You will be developing the capacity to unify and merge together areas of reality on a visceral embodied feeling level, whilst exploring and catalysing remembering of origin/true nature within what is occurring. We do this by exploring fixed identity that is keeping things apart, and come to embody true nature in unique expression that emerges through the union of polarity.
By navigating and exploring the direct experience of true nature at the level we have remembered, in relationship to specific areas of life we begin to taste the magic of living life as art, living in continuity with infinity; coming home to ourselves in natural expression as we appear, arise, out of the Tao (great silence).
What to expect.....
The approach will be delivered in a slow experiential series of journeys, individually and as a group. The group will be small, so we can be interactive, deeply engaged and I will sometimes work one to one with you as we go. I ask that you come committed to practicing and applying what we share with you in your daily life, so you are able to receive the next meditations each week.
We will be no more than 6 people.
Testimonials from my group work can be seen.
The Format.....
*2.5hours week of guided meditation/practice, dynamic sharing's and experiential work
*Recording of the group weekly session plus some bonus meditations (via Dropbox)
*Group Page to share findings and comments and explorations on and where I and Thessa will post writings on intimate relating
*Available to answer one-to-one questions, give feedback/guidance through out the week.
*Intimately held by me, through out the course and in your journey of integrating the material.
*Occasional 20 minute check ins with me throughout the course
*Maximum 6 places for this course
Course Time & Date
We will arrange as a group the time of the course, dependant on time zones and peoples needs. When you book on I will ask for your availability on certain days.
Next Online Journey Start Date ~ Week of......
My email, contact info: core.expression@yahoo.co.uk
Course Cost for the 8 Week Program & How to Pay
£240 ($320)
Payments can be made in installments.
A deposit of £60 ($80) is required to confirm your place.
Paypal: fleurchetwynd@yahoo.co.uk (please add 4%)
Bank Account Transfer:
Fleur Chetwynd
Natwest Bank
Account Number ~ 23707542
Sort Code ~ 600534
Reference ~ online/name
Please send me an email or message on facebook before you make any payment, to confirm you would like to book a place on this course. I will ask to speak to you online if we have not connected or worked together before, before I confirm your place.
Testimonials For Group Work with Fleur
"To call someone a teacher doesn't quite feel right anymore in my journey. But neither does it feel right to just receive support from
a coach or a healer. What Fleur is for me is truly the essence of "a guide". She doesn't "do something to heal me", she doesn't "tower over me and have me give my power away to a spiritual teacher",
what she does do is she engages deeply, intimately with my journey, and she offers me the next seed along my path. She's not just fixing what is broken, she is journey with me (a few steps ahead of
me) along the path to the center of creation/ Self/ the void. She has experienced initiations several steps ahead of me and she guides me, nudges me, gently yet fiercely, deeper along my journey. I
don't know why our society has overemphasize spiritual teachers so much. What I choose is a spiritual guide. Despite what many think, we can't just "bypass" into dissolving the separate sense of
self. It is a journey... initiations every step of the way, of mythic proportion, that can often feel tricky, scary, confusing, or misleading... Yet I'm sometimes amazed, when guided by Fleur, at how
rapid the breakthroughs can be ." Sarah Southerland, Asheville NC
"This experience of our gathering online is feeling like part oracle, part dance cave, part nursery school nap time. This morning I had a big question. I listened for the third time to this week's
recording and heard a ginormous answer from another participant's share/fleur's feedback that had been there earlier, waiting for me until I was ready. This is the magic of playing this way: we are
making something epic together and it's resonance is picking up speed as we meet up with simple willingness and authenticity. Fleur commands the container like none other I have encountered; there is
an intimacy and maturity that continues to astound me. I'm thrilled at what is evolving and am eager for more and more treasure hunt-ish relevant contributions to unearth themselves." Martha
Hillhouse, New York, USA
"I am finding myself and deep enjoyment of the online course. The meditations and inquiries into identity are helping me unravel very subtle threads of core issues that have bound me both in
practical ways in relationship with partners and in ways I hold onto subtle structures of identity that end up leaking into my spiritual path and shaping it in unhelpful ways. I love this work and I
love the container Fleur provides for self exploration. And it's allot of fun! Thank you Fleur, I am looking forward to part 2." Aaron Swanson, California, USA
"I am nearing the end of the first round of the Mastering The Art of Relationships course, facilitated by Fleur and Thessa, and it has been absolutely transformational! I have been deeply committed to this approach for around 12 weeks now, and I barely recognise myself beforehand. This has been the richest and most fulfilling course I have participated in, experiencing integration like never before. I really love to work with Fleur, she is sweet and grounded in her guidance, really taking me where I need to go. I am so grateful to her for sharing Thessa’s teachings in her own unique way, and for the material Thessa shares both in her writings and in meditation.
This course has changed my life– no more keeping parts of myself separate, no more excluding the ego, no more processing, no more looking for the next thing to fix myself, no more trying to heal, and no more needing to arrive anywhere. I have finally found the source of all of my answers – Me. So thrilled to be a part of this path and continue on this journey with both Thessa and Fleur!" Leisa Coleman, Australia